Ogden Bay North Run Wetlands
In partnership with The State of Utah Department of Natural Resources - Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area, Equinox Engineering* worked to provide design and construction management services for this project. Equinox also provided permitting services which required a full wetland delineation report. This project restored and/or enhanced wetlands that have been disconnected from the historic Weber River floodplain due to flood control diversions projects and high near bank levees. This project utilizes irrigation tail water and Weber River overflow to provide and create critical flyway habitat for water fowl wintering and nesting. Dredged material previously placed on the bank immediately adjacent to the river was removed and a set back berm was created approximately 150 feet away from the channel to allow for the floodplain to be reconnected to the river.
*WMBS is a division of Equinox Engineering.
We have significant expertise when it comes to wetland mitigation and can help earn you a significant return on your land.
Consider partnering with WBMS
Matheson PreserveWetlands
Over the phone or online
Post Office Box 612 West Jordan UT
Contact us about the potential of earning profits by investing your land
WMBS is a division of Equinox Engineering